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Six areas of business are crucial to success, and we are here to partner with you on this journey of maximising profits, delivering long-term success, and creating enjoyment while you do it.


Wayne Tollemache, experienced C level Executive and former business coach at The Icehouse, shares his first tip on how you can create a positive company culture.


If you run or manage your own business then you’ll know how challenging it can be. Increasing sales, managing cash flow and managing people are some examples. At JTC we help you to meet these challenges head on so that your business will run better.


Wayne Tollemache, experienced C level Executive and former business coach at The Icehouse, shares his second tip on the metrics you need to have a handle on within your business.

About JTC


JTC consulting is owned and managed by me, Wayne Tollemache. After spending over 30 years in the business world, I have built a portfolio of expertise. Living and acquiring knowledge from New Zealand, Asia, and Europe has allowed me to facilitate an opportunity for you and your business to grow.

After achieving significant success in several roles, including Chief Operating Officer, Executive Managing Director, and General Management, I have become a chartered member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand. These accomplishments have led me to work with business owners, leaders, and managers nationwide and beyond.

My specialty is working with you as a business owner, management team, or board to deliver results in six critical business areas:
  • Company Leadership
  • The market
  • Your offering
  • Capital
  • Processes
  • Governance



I’m not interested in Governance, but would be interested in business advice, or mentorship?
A business adviser or mentor will help you on strategy, planning and problem solving, and help develop your business skills and knowledge. A business adviser will often be working with you on the day to day aspect of your business i.e. the management of the business versus the governance of the business. Working with a business adviser can be a good first step towards implementing a good governance framework.
When should I start thinking about when/if I want to sell my business?
Depending on your medium to long term plans a business owner should start planning for the potential sale of their business two (2) to three (3) years in advance. This allows the business owner to identify potential buyers, understand what the potential buyers needs and wants are, and implement a plan to ensure the business meets all aforementioned needs and wants. Often the plan will entail a succession plan for the owner as well as making sure all business processes and procedures are relevant, documented, and followed throughout the business.
How big does my business need to be, for it to be worthwhile to have Governance?
There are no hard and fast rules on when you should implement a formal governance model being either a formal board or advisory board. Setting up a board might be a good idea when you need skills and expertise you lack internally, are growing rapidly, have made a major acquisition, are going through a large restructure, have started succession planning or putting together an exit strategy, are a start-up with lots of shareholders and investment capital.
What information will you need from me and my business to get started?
Ideally a current business plan and or information about the current state of your business and plans / goals you have for your business moving forward. Detailed information will only be required in the event you engage with JTC and will be collated through the business health check stage.
Would it be possible to meet with you, and explain my situation, as it is quite complicated?
Please call +64 027 514 7013 to book a 30-60min obligation free meeting with Wayne.
We are already months into a merger, it is not going well. Is this something you can help with?
Wayne has, and is currently, worked with several companies who have merged and were not delivering the results that was defined as part of the pre-merger process. He can help clearly restate the objectives of the merger and implement a plan to overcome any barriers to achieve the objectives in the quickest possible time.
What are the benefits of having Governance in 2019?
Having a good governance framework with independent director/s allows business owners to step out of the busy day-to-day operations and work “on” the business. Good governance can help you drive your business forward, avoid risks, seek new opportunities, grow your leadership skills, get an objective analysis of your business and develop a strategic direction. An independent director with SME experience will be able to share invaluable general, objective business experience, knowledge and networks. They can help the business owners to understand which ‘hat’ they wear when making decisions, i.e. shareholder versus board member vs employee. Many SMEs are family businesses, and an independent director will help to separate the family relationships from management relationships.
What can happen to my business without Governance?
Doing business in today’s environment is risky. Rules and regulations are constantly increasing and the penalties for owners who do not comply can be severe financially and criminally. Risk mitigation is one of the key pillars of good governance. Identifying potential risks and implementing strategies and tactics to mitigate those risks will protect all stakeholders including
For all governance work being advisory or formal board, you will work directly with Wayne. For business advisory Wayne is also the principal advisory and has a network of business partners who he can call upon if there are specific skills and experiences a client requires.
For all governance work being advisory or formal board, you will work directly with Wayne. For business advisory JTC has two main principals being Wayne and Ron. We also have a network of business advisors who we can call upon if there are specific skills and experiences a client requires.
What would be the first step in working with JTC?
A 30-60min obligation free meeting with Wayne to discus and determine what the best form of engagement would be. Depending on the outcome, and in most cases, a business health check is conducted to determine areas for improvement and the development of a plan.
Do you have experience with overseas businesses or strictly NZ businesses?
Wayne’s work has taken him around the world, with a range of roles in a range of industries. His 30 years in the business world have seen him take on roles including COO, Executive Managing Director, and General Manager in New Zealand and Asia (where he lived and work for 10 years).
I’m interested in acquiring another business, can you help me?
Wayne has experience in acquisitions in New Zealand, Australia, and Asia and is well placed to work with you throughout the due diligence to ensure you know what you are buying.


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If you have any queries or want to gather more information before you partner with us, you can contact me below. I will happily work alongside you on your journey to better success.

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